S-COM DTMF Programmer V1.2 Datasheet

This is a legacy product no longer offered for sale. Documentation and support are still available.

S-COM DTMF Programmer is a Windows-based utility designed to simplify the DTMF programming and control of the legacy family of S-COM Repeater Controllers. Controls and programs S-COM 5K, 6K, 7K, MRC-100, AGI-200, AGI-1000, and AGI-1100 Controllers


The S-COM Programmer provides all you need to program and control S-COM Repeater Controllers including the following features:

  • Maintain a database of one or more controllers
  • Connect to an S-COM Controller remotely over the phone or locally at the repeater site or on the bench
  • Send Manually-Entered commands
  • Send Script Files of commands
  • Built-in Text Editor for editing Script Files
  • Context-Sensitive Help
  • Automatic handling of controller's Phone Line Off-Hook Timer
  • Automatic handling of controller passwords and clock
  • Off-line simulation of a connection
  • Easy management of controller's time-of-day clock
  • Named Constants replace passwords, commands, and codes with easy-to-remember names
  • Controls and programs S-COM 5K, 6K, 7K, MRC-100, AGI-200, AGI-1000, and AGI-1100 Controllers
  • Runs on Windows 3.1x, Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista-32/Win7 equipped with a Hayes-compatible modem (Note: not compatible with 64-bit Intel CPUs running Vista-64 or Windows 7-64.)


  • Editor -- Undo, Find, Replace, Insert Script File, Font Size, Print, Comment/Uncomment Lines .
  • Script Files -- Define CW as text, eg. “WA1JHK/R”; Script Controls for conditional processing.
  • Direct Connections to controllers. Command a controller via a receiver port.
  • Send File -- send only selected text, Auto Disconnect after send, adjustable Transfer Delay between commands, adjustable Phone Line Off-Hook Timer.
  • Named Constants -- View, Insert, Load, Export, Print.


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