The Yaesu DR-1X and DR-2X are multimode repeaters that support analog and digital voice.
The 7330 can add functionality to the DR-1X and DR-2X in several ways:
- provide a DTMF decoder for controlling the modes of the DR-1X and DR-2X,
- provide an external analog repeater and linking controller for a DR-1X and DR-2X analog voice-only repeater, or
- provide an external analog repeater and linking controller for a DR-1X and DR-2X multimode repeater.
DR-1X and DR-2X Document
- A solution for connecting the Yaesu DR1X or DR2X repeater
to an SCOM 7330 Controller while retaining Auto Mode Select by Bob DeMattia, K1IW (12/7/2024)
DR-2X Document
- Interface a Yaesu DR-2X to an S-COM 7330 by Dave Maciorowski, WA1JHK (11/22/2017)
DR-1X Documents
- 7330 Wiring and Configuration Summary by Dave Maciorowski, WA1JHK
- Interfacing a Yaesu DR‐1X to an S‐Com 7330 Repeater Controller (Updated! Version 2) by Justin Reed, NV8Q, DR-1X on 7330 Port 2
- Interfacing a Yaesu DR-1X to an S-Com 7330 Repeater Controller (Updated! Version 3) by Justin Reed, NV8Q, DR-1X on 7330 Port 2
- DR-1X Script Kit by Justin Reed, NV8Q